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Kamma Activities for 2022


1.0 Humanitarian and livelihood 

1.1 Food

Objective:  Improve access to food security via CTP distribution to vulnerable households affected by conflict. It was planned to benefit 7892 HH, the same target was reached 7,891 HH, the details can be shown as follows:

Table CTP Distribution Totals

1.2 Agriculture and food security


Improve food security through the provision of agricultural inputs to vulnerable households affected by conflict. KODI works with local community by encouraging them to work together, to keep the culture of communal work which already exists in their communities alive.


Provide training to farm groups and encourage them to keep seeds for the next season, seeds given to the groups in 2018, this year the seeds came late, it was distributed to 1,400 HH, so the community used what they keep last year. What was given to them will be used in dry season and keep other for next year 2020, these are some photos. Total number groups up to date are 46 benefited 1706 (88 male and 924 female)

Table Seed Distribution Totals

1.3 Protection

Objective:  Increase local capacities and referral structures in community awareness and protection efforts around UXOs.

1.3.1 community Protection

The main objective was: To strengthen local capacity of women and youth groups in SK/Nuba Mountains for community protection, and awareness for peaceful coexistence. It started to train communities on self-protection in the following areas:

  • danger of injury or death from armed conflict (i.e. safety issues),

  • life-threatening risks from lack of food, income, basic services and shelter (i.e. physiological issues)

  • fear, despair, unhappiness, erosion of dignity, core values (i.e. core psycho-social needs)

1.4 Dam construction

This year the groups were involved in many other activities such as farming for support of schools, Dam construction by involving all the community among others.


Goal: To Empower and strengthen peace committees and different communities, structures and leaders in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan to work in collaboration and coordination with the wider public and change actors in the Nuba, the region and from across Sudan to bring about and sustain a peaceful and stable period of transitional governance that can oversee genuine national dialogue and lead to longer term democratic transformation.

Objective: To look for positive ways of providing information and learning experience and skills to equip and empower the community by involving them as active participants in all stages of work taking place in their community. 


This year was special year four main activities were implemented as follows:

2.1 Capacity building and Training workshops
Capacity bbuilding.webp

Number of training, seminars, meetings and workshops was conducted for community leaders, women, youth, spiritual leaders, local authorities, and follow up meetings, for implementing recommendations that came out. about 500 participants participated directly in these activities.

2.2 Agent of Change

Objectives: -  To support youth, women and civil society in their demand to achieve social and political transformation i.e. peace, justice, freedom, unity, democracy and freedom, KODI mange to support 33 different groups of Women, youth, CBO with small grants in, Delami, Hiban, Talodi, Habila, Rashad and New Tegli

2.3 Women & Leadership

Objectives: -  Strengthen and empower women roles in peace building

KODI is providing training to women and groups/organizations- led by women leaders in different institutions in the following areas:

  • Train women in leadership, and peace leadership, Servant and transformational leadership

  • Support women groups to facilitate training for other groups,

  • Support women to advocate against gender based violence and child right (support can be training mentoring or linking them with others)


3.1 Civic & Adult education

Walking through Sudan history since independent.


To understand the meaning and the importance of civic education facilitators and participants walk through the history of Sudan since independent up to dates, to analysis the situation and conflict then to come out with some recommendations. That can help plan for the Sudan we all want (see the diagram below).

3.2 Construction of school

Construction of primary school in Delami (two classes and two offices and latrine)

Provision of uniform for Primary Schools (using the tailoring training machines)

school 1.jpg
school 2.jpg
3.3 Language

In an effort to safeguard and develop Koalib language and unify the existing conflicting alphabets of Koalib language. KODI have formed language committee consist of 21 members.

  • The committee have reviewed and unified koalib Alphabets (the alphabets will be shared with, all the key leaders of the communities to give their comments on it or amend it),

  • The committee have started writing booklets on koalib stories.

The committee held two conferences one in 2022 and one in 2023 under the following objectives.

  • To urge all Koalib to pass the language and their cultures to their generations who are the lifeline of the tribe.

  • To teach the language in primary schools

  • To use the language in all public occasions including in places of worship, meetings, workshops etc.

  • To mobilize resources to support the Koalib language.

  • To develop the curriculum for teaching in schools (identification of things to be included in the curriculum).

  • To know at what level on the endangered languages in our language.

  • The role of our institutions in supporting our language existence.​



Construction of Operation room for Tujur Hospital: -

Through community contribution locally, the Community in diaspora and other supports,

KODI is currently constructing operation Room in Tujur Hospital which is yet to be completed:

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