Kamma Activities for 2019
1.0 Humanitarian and livelihood
1.1 Food
Objective: Improve access to food security via CTP distribution to vulnerable households affected by conflict. It was planned to benefit 5,845 HH, but the actual target reached was 8,183 HH, the details can be shown as follows:

1.2 Agriculture and food security
Objective: Improve food security through the provision of agricultural inputs to vulnerable households affected by conflict. KODI works with the local community by encouraging them to work together, to keep the culture of communal work which already exists in their communities alive Provide training to farm groups and encourage them to keep seeds for the next season, seeds were given to the groups in 2018, this year the seeds came late, it was distributed to 1,400 HH, so the community used what they keep last year. What was given to them will be used in the dry season and keep others for the next year 2020, these are some photos. Total number groups up to date are 46 benefited 1706 ( 88 male and 924 female)

1.3 Shelter and settlement
Objective: To Provide access to safe, habitable, and appropriate living spaces and non-food items to conflict and disaster-affected households in need. This year we only get 245 kits for HH which was not enough for affected people by fire and flooding. Photos for households receiving kits.

2.0 Adult Education and Community protection
2.1 Adult education
Adult education in this context means any activities provided to the adults that can help to promote the daily life and resilience most activities of adults are done on a voluntary basis by the community sometimes with minimal support, KODI facilitates these activities to support the community to find space where they can come together and discuss issues of their concern and that can promote their lives. By training of facilitators in REFLECT methodology, some of the activities implemented by adult groups are:
VSLA activities
Farming for education
Microgrants (Small business and Sewing)
Literacy activities
The below table shows the number of adult educations centers and participants.

2.2 Community protection
The main objective was: To strengthen the local capacity of women and youth groups in the SK/Nuba Mountains for community protection, and awareness for peaceful coexistence. We started to train communities on self-protection in the following areas:
The danger of injury or death from armed conflict (i.e. safety issues),
Life-threatening risks from lack of food, income, basic services and shelter (i.e. physiological issues)
Fear, despair, unhappiness, erosion of dignity, core values (i.e. core psycho-social needs)
When times goes on it evolved to more activities which include peace of mind, psychosocial/trauma healing, a basic human right that includes women and child right micro-grants, etc., now there are 29 groups doing different activities as follows
This year 40 groups including adult education were provided with small grants to help them start their own activities that of their interest and be prepared for peace these are some photos
3.0 Peace building
Objective: To look for positive ways of providing information and learning experience and skills to equip and empower the community by involving them as active participants in all stages of work taking place in their community
This year was special year four main activities were implemented as follows:
3.1 Training workshop to design messages and exchange them across the lines
51 different massages were prepared and ready to be disseminated to the different target
124 participants have been involved in massages design and are ready to take these massages to the wider community.
Participants from five counties and refugee camps participated in massages design
Secretariat of Media and information is ready to plan to follow up and see the impact of the massages in the community

3.2 Peace committees, traditional and religious leaders training
82 members of the peace committee and traditional leaders participate in conflict transformation training.

1- 5000 members of the community from the two cross-line manage to meet for the first time after eight years.
3- The efforts to bring women and involve them to discuss issues at all level was done, but we still need more effort to involve them in all sectors
3.3 Civil administration and civil society meetings.
The issues of IDPs and returnees were discussed and plans on how to welcome them and integrated them in the community were agreed on.
Massages on land issues were agreed upon and disseminated across the line
Communities have started to move across the line even without the final agreement
4.0 Health Tango/Tugur hospital
In March 2019, the general assembly agreed to mobilize the community in the area and diaspora, to construct the hospital, for the community in the area to make 180,000 brick and contribute with, corps and for the community in the diaspora to contribute financially,
Then the BOT held a meeting and put these ideas in a plan form as:
Meeting with all communities in the area.
Agreed that each payam should make 30,000 brick.
Each member of the community contributes to, sesame, dura, groundnuts, and Luba.
Volunteers we selected from each payam to collect these materials
KODI provides the receipts and notes for registration and collection of the contribution
A committee was formed to follow up both the diaspora community and community in the area
The theatre room was constructed.
Theatre bed was prepared and broad to the area
The community in the diaspora have started to send their contributions.
5.0 Capacity building and other activities
Capacity building in one of the main things KODI aims to do for the staff and for the institutional capacity building of the organization, this year apart from the training for the program activities the following were implemented:
Training finance staff in quick books.
Training one of the staff in monitoring and evaluation
Participate in the AU summit meeting.
Participated in partner’s plat for organized by one of the donors
Participated in experience sharing with all peace actors in the area, South Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya.
Participate in an innovation forum in Kampala Uganda.


PROJECT: Improving the Provision of Health in Tango clinic area -1 By Up grading it to Hospital
REGION: Nuba Mountain Region, Delami County
The protracted conflict, which started in 1985 in Area-1, has crippled the public health system in an area already characterized by acute and poorly understood public health problems. Health authorities have had very few resources to support local health structures as the Federal Government has stopped all budget support to the area. The primary health care facilities, which were run by trained health staff during the CPA period, work as unpaid volunteers with little management support or supervision with no refresher training or logistics support; Of the other actors currently supporting the health sector, none but a few of them are supporting the personnel operating under the health secretariat, choosing instead to operate their own health facilities or provide drugs to the clinics managed by the health secretariat.
Currently, Area-1 has three functional and externally supported hospitals with expatriate medical staff, from which one hospital was bombed twice and another hospital once as result, the MSF-France expatriate team evacuated after the second aerial bombardment on 20 January 2015, suspending medical activities.
Tango Health Centre (THC), which was operated since June 2011 by Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF-Switzerland, was the only externally supported health centre in Area-1, providing essential medical assistance to a population of over 50,000 civilians. The nearest hospital to THC is reached in 5 hours by car or around 1.5 days by foot.
In July 2015 MSF-Switzerland handed over the administration of the Tango Health Centre to LP2 (KODI) through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between MSF-Switzerland, LP2/P3 (KODI/DCA) and the Secretariat of Health (SoH). P3 as an international organization, who had a long-standing partnership with three local partners in Area-1, subsequently begun discussions between MSF-Switzerland in Juba (South Sudan). Tango Health Centre is not part P3/LP2 overall budget.
The health centre has run since then without expatriate staffing and continues to provide crucial medical care to a population of approximately 50,000 civilians, from which most are displaced due to bombardments and ground attacks.
Tango health centre is run by 16 local staff members, with diligent management of essential medical and non-medical assets and provision of outpatient advanced basic care to an average of 100 patients per day, including antenatal and postnatal care. From November last year KODI mange to get two professional medical volunteers medical to support Tango one of them has started from that time up to now and other will start the work early March 2019.
The upg m xsw25rading of the clinic will greatly help about 50,000 of the population of the county, and save lives of pregnant women in particular those in referral process that takes 4- 5 hours to reach the hospital which causes the loss of their lives on the road. In addition to the high cost of providing fuel and vehicles repair that will be minimized
The training of the existing medical staff will provide motivation to them for the time they volunteer, as value and not as wasted time.
Goal: Improving the Provision of Health and health Systems in Area-1, for about 100,000 direct beneficiaries and a total of approximately 450,000 indirect.
The specific objectives are to provide:
Holisticmedicine from the standpoint of petient,contributing to the advancement of local careand medicine.
Community basedhigh quality medical care
Health services to affected communities in the area.
Capacity Building for the existing and new staff (medical education training)
Upgrade the clinic to hospital so that to provide more services to:-
Medical consultation to 30,000 civilians in the communities.
Antenatal consultation to 3000
Laboratory testes for 5000.
Support to 400 delivery
Seasoning of 6000 children under five for Malnutrition (MUAC)
Objectives:The specific objectives are to provide:1- Holisticmedicine from the standpoint of petient,contributing to the advancement of local careand medicine.2- Community basedhigh quality medical care3- Health services to affected communities in the area.4- Capacity Building for the existing and new staff (medical education training)5- Upgrade the clinic to hospital so that to provide more services to:-- Medical consultaion to 30,000 civilians in the communities.- Antenatal consultation to 3000- Laboratory testes for 5000.- Support to 400 deleivery- Seceening of 6000 children under five for Malnutrition (MUAC)
Rehabilitation of the facilities, bought laboratory equipment and reagents, mobilized communities to support the clinic by paying a greed amount of their harvest of cereals in kind to avail feeding to the clinic staff and the inpatients.
Key Activities
The out-patients and in-patients department, antenatal care, laboratory services, awareness sessions on STIs, and HIV/ AIDS, referral services to the hospital of Mother of Mercy in Gidail about 135 Kilometres surgical operations and other complicated cases.
Community mobilization to raise local resorces to support the clinic.
Assessment of the medical staff in the area,
Reparation and start job training with the existing staff.
Compound renovation
Hospital design and construction
Medical equipment and materials.
New medical staff recruitment
Payment of staff salaries
Administrative cost
Improve the medical services of the local community, save lives and time of reaching the health facility instead of travelling 4-5 hours to reach other hospitals in Hiban County, by adding nutrition and laboratory departments we will ensure the good quality of services to the entire community at their reach.
Number of community mobilized to support the work.
Number of resources mobilized.
Number of medical staff identified with their qualities they have and needed
Number of staff trained
Map of the proposed hospital to be constructed and construction of the hospital is ready.
Medical staff:
There are 9 medical staff (six nurses, one clinical officer, one maternal doctor, one lab technician)
Support staff:
There are 9 support staff (six guards, two cleaners, one driver)