Kamma Activities for 2018

Humanitarian and Livelihood
Improve access to food security via CTP distribution to vulnerable households affected by conflict. This year the following has been achieved.

KODI works with local community by encouraging them to work together, to keep the culture of communal work which already exists in their communities alive .
The organization also Provides training to farm groups and encourage them to keep seeds for the next season.
Seeds given to the groups in 2018:
Fabrication and distribution of Malodas 1060 malodas was fabricated and distributed to HHs (585 female and 475 male)
KEY: HH - HouseHold

Animal Health
The main Objective: Provision of drugs and vaccine to benefit households who have livestock.
Animals are important livelihood in KODI areas. KODI gives special care for this by making the community to understand and acknowledge this, through different ways.
This year there were challenges of getting support for this. We only manage to get small support for assessment, training and vaccination of the cattle.
These activities have been implemented in the following ways:
Assessment of refrigerators.
Training and mobilization of the community (49 participants have been trained)
The vaccination will be conducted at the beginning of the year.
B) Adult Education

Adult education in this context means, any activities provided to the adults that can help to promote their daily lives and make them become resilient.
Most of the adult activities are done voluntarily by the community, sometimes with minimal support.
KODI facilitates these activities to support the community by providing space where they can come together and discuss issues of concern and try to find solutions for them.
As result of the meetings, some discussions have formed meaningful objectives that have been translated to activities such as follows:
To improve on participants, facilitation skills in adult literacy education (REFLECT methodologies) 100 adult facilitators have been trained on how to lead discussions and teach adults.
Build the capacities of adult education literacy group members and protection committees in reading and writing. 2000 male and female are involved in the circles.
To develop participants skills and capacity on micro grants management and project proposal development through, VSLA principles and practices.
(20 groups have been formed and started VSLA activities within the groups)
To broaden participants understanding and skills on local resources identification and community resources mobilization skills for community development, the groups has started group farming to support education.
To improve on the practical skills of participants on business planning, marketing and financial literacy (ten sewing machines was provide to train women to produce school uniform for the children)
C) Peace Building and Peace Education


Peace education aims to look for positive ways of providing information and learning experience and skills to equip and empower the community. This is done by involving them as active participants in all stages of work taking place in their community. Peace education started in 2012.
From 2016, the program aims to link the activities for sustainable peace in the community in future as shown below:
Peace committee training
Traditional and spiritual meetings
Access to justice
Community protection meetings.
Exchange visit (linkages)
Theater for peace
Adult education.
Peace committee training
Traditional and spiritual meetings
Access to justice
Community protection meetings.
Exchange visit (linkages)
Theater for peace
Adult education.
Peace committee training
Traditional and spiritual meetings
Access to justice
Community protection meetings.
Exchange visit (linkages)
Theater & music for peace
Adult education.
Local Structure and Democracy Education
In a true democracy people and community are regarded as equally worthy, with the right to be free to pursue their own lives and with the right to participate in decisions affecting them, as long as they do not undermine the freedom and equality of others.
The process of forming and promoting local structure.
After training the facilitators go out to the counties to:
Meet with county authorities.
Meet with Payam community.
Meet with boma communities
Then have a big meeting at Payam level to select Payam development committees
D) Tango clinic and Secondary school

The above two activities were given priorities, by general assembly but very little was done due to limited funds. The following was done:
D1) Aludia Secondary school
KODI managed to provide the following:
SDG 1000 for renovation. This was provided by GA during the meeting.
Provision of Chairs and some utensils
Provision of Solar Panel
D2) Tango Clinic
In order to raise funds from donors for the clinic some things need to be organized such as community contribution and qualified staff.
KODI is trying to do some adjustment to the clinic such as:
Change some of the administrative personnel.
Recruiting qualified medical staff.
Assessment to find out what is needed.
We have developed the proposal for donors, but we will still need contribution from the community and general assembly.
E) Funds received in 2018 and Challenges
Challenge 1
Although the organization has a good number of general assembly members, it is not yet able to contribute 10% of the annual organization cost, which means that the organization is still depending on external funding
Challenge 2
More efforts is needed form Board of trustee and Members of General Assembly, and work hard to raise funds that can cover the administrative cost of the organization as it was agreed in last year GA meeting.
Challenge 3
Community in diaspora needs to be encouraged to contribute in raising funds for the main programs that are the priorities in the region; mainly education, health and water.