Ka-Finje Tu is a subsidized Kenyans for Kenya indigenous forests initiative by EarthLungs Reforestation Foundation
Plant and Adopt a tree for KES. 50
Total Trees Planted by the initiative:

Subject: Introduction of the "Ka-Finje Tu" Tree Growing Initiative Dear Sir / Madam
Recognizing the challenges faced by many employed Kenyans in finding time to plant 300 trees annually, we have launched an innovative initiative called "Ka-Finje Tu" (Fifty shillings only). This program is designed to empower ordinary Kenyans to contribute to tree planting without compromising their work schedules.
The "Ka-Finje Tu" Initiative:
For just KES 50, any Kenyan can donate to our fund, allowing us to plant a tree (or trees) on their behalf. This approach not only facilitates tree planting but also generates employment for ecosystem-adjacent communities across Kenya, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and community support.
Through this initiative, we have successfully planted and grown over 20,000 trees in Old Kijabe, Kinale Forest Block, Kiambu County, thanks to the generosity of ordinary Kenyans. By participating in "Ka-Finje Tu," working Kenyans can contribute to environmental conservation while maintaining their professional commitments.
We believe that by enabling more people to participate in tree planting, we can significantly enhance our collective capacity to reach the goal of 15 billion trees by 2032. Our team at EarthLungs is ready to work closely with all Kenyans of goodwill to ensure the success of this initiative and to contribute positively to our national reforestation efforts. To contribute, please use the following details-:
Pay-Bill No.516600
Account No. 152032 (15 billion trees by 2032)
Or visit our website www.earthlungsreforestation.org under the donate
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to your support as we embark on this journey together.
Yours sincerely,
Victor Mwanga